@article{oai:kait.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001110, author = {高橋, 正雄 and Masao, Takahashi}, journal = {神奈川工科大学研究報告.B,理工学編}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, We have studied the electronic, magnetic and transport properties of Gd-doped EuO and La-doped EuO. Gd is a magnetic impurity, while La is a nonmagnetic impurity. Applying the dynamical coherent potential approximation (Dynamical CPA) to simple models, we have calculated the densityof states (DOS), magnetization curve, enhanced Curie temperatureTC, and electronic resistivity. Based on the calculated results we discuss the difference in the properties of electron-doped EuO, Gd-doped EuO and La-doped EuO.}, pages = {9--14}, title = {La-doped EuO と Gd-doped EuO の違い}, volume = {38}, year = {2014} }