@article{oai:kait.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001155, author = {市村, 重俊 and 望月, 聡志 and 松本, 真和 and Ichimura, Shigetoshi and Mochizuki, Satoshi and Matsumoto, Masakazu}, journal = {神奈川工科大学研究報告.B,理工学編}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Membrane filtration method has been used for various industries to remove solids and solutes from a liquid. However, the removed materials cause membrane fouling that decrease in membrane performances by pore plugging. Microbubble cleaning is expected to be a chemical free method for recovery of membrane performances. In this study, fouled membranes prepared by filtering activated sludge or yeast suspensions were used for microbubble cleaning experiments. The effects of fouling conditions and cleaning conditions on performance recovery were evaluated.}, pages = {27--29}, title = {マイクロバブルによる多孔膜の洗浄--材料分析室利用研究成果、そのXXVII(2)--}, volume = {41}, year = {2017} }