@article{oai:kait.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001172, author = {和田, 理征 and 吉田, 亮一 and 清水, 秀信 and 岡部, 勝 and Wada, Risei and Yoshida, Ryoichi and Shimizu, Hidenobu and Okabe, Masaru}, journal = {神奈川工科大学研究報告.B,理工学編}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, A syndiotactic-rich polystyrene (sPS) in the mixed solvent of toluene and chloroform convert to thermoreversible gel near room temperature. In order to characterize the sPS physical gel formed in a mixed solvent of toluene and chloroform, the junction length ζ in number of styrene units were estimated as a function of the volume fraction Xchloro using the Tanaka-Stockmayer theory (TS theory). Gel-melting temperature (Tm g) of sPS gels decreased with increasing Xchloro. It was found from Tm g that chloroform behaved as a relatively good solvent for sPS, while toluene was a relatively poor solvent. The TS theory suggested that junction length ζ became larger when a gel was formed in poor solvent. It was suggested from FT-IR spectra that sPS chains were formed T2G2 conformation in all Xchloro. In the SEM observation, morphologies of sPS gel formed from in the mixed solvent were exhibited fibrillary-like structure.}, pages = {13--15}, title = {混合溶媒中でのシンジオタクチックポリスチレンゲルのキャラクタリゼーション--材料分析室利用研究成果、そのXXIX(1)--}, volume = {43}, year = {2019} }