@article{oai:kait.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000892, author = {平山, 弘 and 佐藤, 創太郎 and Hirayama, Hiroshi and Satou, Soutarou}, journal = {神奈川工科大学研究報告.B,理工学編}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, In this paper, we confirm that the large problem can be performed very fast by RPC (Remote Procedure Call) on some distributed WindowsNT workstations. And we discuss possibility of high performance, usability and low cost computing system, consist of PC workstations. Today, PC neiwork sysiem, such as Local Area Network, exists as an usual environment. We think that is instructive that discussion of a way to make good use of that system, and moreover, in the near future's retired workstations those are working as main machine now.}, pages = {21--28}, title = {RPCによる並列計算}, volume = {25}, year = {2001} }